Women in Tech: What More Can Be Done To Bridge The Gap?

It has been a topical subject that there is a divide between the male and female genders within the technology sector. Being that the number of females in the sector is significantly lower than male, diversity policy must be an important aspect of recruitment and culture - providing the opportunity to have open discussions from a variety of different perspectives. This lightning talk will discuss my own personal experiences within technology, women’s groups and initiatives in Northern Ireland. It will address the need for more female representation in the digital sectors and will highlight ways in which educational institutions and companies can help by engaging in, and with, women’s technology groups. Indeed, women in tech is not limited to programming - how can we create more spaces for female collaboration in the industry holistically? From my education through to working environments, women have always been the minority within technology and I often ask ‘why?’. With few role models in STEM how can the industry support and develop female recruits most effectively? I will build on the work of women in tech groups by suggesting further measures such as apprenticeships, outreach and workplace training and development.